How to treat Acute Injuries


PRICE – is a self help regime for the immediate management of acute muscle, ligament and joint injury where there is bruising and swelling. It applies to sports injuries and injuries sustained during everyday activities.






The use of the PRICE regime during the first 72 hours following injury is recommended in order to help minimise the risk of further injury and reduce the onset of inflammation.

However it is recommended that if anyone has any doubt regarding the application of the PRICE regime they seek medical advice.

Protection – during the early stages, protect the injury from further tissue damage. The type of protection will depend on the site of the injury, i.e. crutches, slings, tapes, splints.

Do not completely immobilise the area of injury. The protection should allow for some swelling to occur.

Rest the part of the body immediately and for up to 5 days following the injury.
Avoid placing undue stress on the injured tissue.

Ice – place ice on the entire injured area immediately following injury. Use crushed ice in a damp towel or plastic bag, or a frozen gel pack. Apply a warm damp flannel or towel to the skin and the ice pack over this for approximately 20 minutes. Use a towel to surround the limb and hold the ice pack in place.

Do not place ice directly on skin.

Compression – apply immediately following injury to limit and reduce swelling. When applying compression always begin at the end of the injured limb and work towards the body.

Apply pressure uniformly throughout the compression. Regularly check fingers and toes for reduced circulation (white in colour or cold).

Elevation – elevate the injured part as soon as possible following injury, preferably above the level of the heart. Make sure the limb is adequately supported. Do not use compression and elevation simultaneously.
Safe Running
This advice sheet is aimed at helping runners reduce the risk of injury. Anyone experiencing pain or discomfort should refrain from running and seek a medical opinion.

Running injuries

All sports injuries can be placed into 2 main types :

1. Acute Injuries
. Commonly called sprains or strains and occur suddenly when soft tissues are put under undue stress, causing tissue damage, e.g. a torn muscle or a sprained ankle.

2. Overuse Injuries
. These begin with a slow onset of pain or discomfort which gradually worsens and is directly associated with a repetitive activity such as running. The cumulative micro trauma may cause the tissues (muscle, ligament or bone) to gradually break down.

Some common running injuries are shin splints, achilles tendonitis and stress fractures.

Running injuries typically fall into the overuse type and may be avoided.

Some common causes of running injuries are:

  • Poor training schedules
  • High mileage
  • Insufficient rest
  • Inappropriate footwear

Tips to help reduce risk of injury

Follow a recommended training schedule. These can be downloaded from many free websites.

  • Training schedules should be progressed slowly.
  • Gradually increase mileage.
  • Vary your distances and speed and training surface.
  • Include sufficient rest days in your schedule.
  • Warm up and stretch muscles before and after each run.
  • Add in some cross training to avoid repetitive strain to joints and muscles.

Pay attention to any discomfort

  • Try to understand what may be causing your discomfort and make the appropriate changes.
  • Do not run through pain.
  • Seek medical attention if pain persists.

Factors to consider when choosing running shoes:

  • Buy your trainers from a shop where foot biomechanics are filmed and assessed from running on a treadmill.
  • Be aware of the type of shoe specifications appropriate to you – e.g. over-pronators generally require running shoes featuring stability.
  • Don’t believe that price and shoe quality are related!
  • Mileage – Distances run over a set period.
  • Weight – Larger runners may need more support.
  • Terrain – Road, trail, cross country or a mixture

Use your running shoes appropriately

  • Gradually wear in new running shoes.
  • Vary the type of running shoes to reduce brand dependency.
  • Change running shoes regularly (every year or 500 miles).

Remember, train sensibly and your body will adapt and cope and usually stay pain free.

Remember, do not run through pain.

For more information or advice please get in touch with us.

For physiotherapy appointments and home visits and to book pilates please call Kate on 07956 372891 or email:


“…I find Kate compassionate, understanding and reassuring. She has helped me many times, from neck pain, aching knees and back, down to a broken toe! Kate is a treasure. I cannot praise her highly enough…” Mrs Oliver, Herts